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Iznik Tiles And Ceramic Art


Ä°znik Tiles are made on a very clean white base with hard backs and underglazed decorations in a unique technique. In Ä°znik tiles, one can observe colors resembling those of semi-precious stones such as the dark blue of lapis lazuli, the blue of turquoise, the redness of coral, the green of emerald.

Some of the colors observed on the tiles and utensils, particularly the coral red, are very hard to obtain and apply. To obtain all of these colors, the cornea white and opaque sheen glazes are required.

The figures on the tiles and utensils reflect allegorical and symbolic characteristics and the flora and fauna of the region. The geometrical designs can be interpreted almost cosmologically as a general description or depiction of the world or the Universe. They blend beautifully with the surrounding architectural constructions in which they are found, and are never overpowering or overstated, but always tend towards a timeless discretion and moderation. Numerous examples from tombs to mosques were decorated with Iznik tiles.

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